He saw his entire world being shaken - fire and debris surrounded him! Dinosaurs were running away but none knew which direction to take. The sky was throwing stones, volcanoes were spitting hot lava and the earth was shaking violently. Dinosaurs that he knew from his youth were dead or injured all around him!

Then he felt someone touching him and calling him by his name... Leonardo, Leonardo, Leonardo wake up, it's time to take the kids to school.

While having breakfast, his mind was uneasy. He had this itchy feeling that something was very very wrong. The whole day passed, Leonardo went about his daily routine, but still he couldn’t shake the dreaded feeling he had ever since waking. He decided that the next day he had to go and meet someone that was usually avoided by his kind - the great T-Rex Alexander - ruler of the whole valley and its surroundings. The reason why his kin avoided tyrosauruses at all cost was pretty simple, no one wanted to become a meal. They had met once before when they were both young - Leonardo saved Alexander after he had fallen into a deep pit. Leonardo helped Alexander to get out of the trap he was stuck in and the T-Rex promised to pay back the debt someday, when asked.

So Leonardo went to the spot, known by his kin to be Alexander's favourite hunting ground. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Alexander or if he was even able to find him...

As this thought ran through his head, suddenly he was hit by something big and scary and was sent crashing to the ground. Leonardo managed to turn and ram the assailant with his head before screaming STOP! Standing over him was the mighty Alexander, he had grown quite a lot from the time they first met. The T-Rex slowly lowered his head, fixed his gaze on Leonardo and was getting ready to take a bite.

Leonardo's initial shock quickly wore off, and he mustered the energy to say, "you owe me!!!". The T-Rex suddenly stopped and realized that he knew this Dino. He slowly backed off and said, “what are you doing here and what do you want?”.

Leonardo dusted himself off, stood up and told Alexander about his vivid dream. He told him about how real it felt and his feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Alexander stood there and listened quietly, his big eyeballs got even bigger as Leonardo went along. When the story ended, he sighed and said to Leonardo, "I had the same bad dream and it felt more like a vision than a dream. I can’t get it out of my head either!".

They talked and talked about their options and what to do next. They both knew of a guy Dino that was respected by all, a pterodactylus named Andrew. Everyone knew Andrew was very smart and often resolved disputes and complex problems within the Dino community. So they immediately started their long journey to Andrew's nest...

They traveled through vast green forests and climbed tall ice mountains before eventually finding the wise pterodactylus. Leonardo was able to convince Andrew' wary guards that he and Alexander came in peace and this was a matter of great urgency! Leonardo began to speak...

Andrew listened to the story without interrupting. When Leonardo finally stopped talking, there was complete silence. The color drained from Andrew’s face and the old pterodactyl looked as if he had aged years, in just mere minutes. Eventually the pterodactyl looked up at them and said, "I had the same dream myself and it didn’t feel like a dream either. We are all in great danger. I don't feel like moving to a different valley would save us". He closed his eyes and started to think deeply about the options. The others didn't dare talk or even move a muscle, they were scared to break the eerie silence.

After quite some time had passed, Andrew opened his eyes and began to tell them a story from his childhood. The story was about a foreign species, an unusual creature he had never come across before that day. He had saved this creature after its ship crashed in the valley. And somehow he knew the word ‘ship’ only because this creature - who called itself CryptoLord - was able to communicate telepathically without using words.

This creature explained quite a lot of things that Andrew didn't even know existed. After a couple of days the CryptoLord left for home on a new ship sent to him from the sky. Before he left he told Andrew that if he ever needed help all he had to do was build a large ‘B’ sign on the top of the highest mountain and he would come back. This was the same ‘B’ that was engraved on the CryptoLord’s locket.

The old pterodactyl finally decided that they must reach out to the CryptoLord for help, so they built the ‘B’ sign on the mountain top and awaited his reply. Day after day passed, and they began to lose hope because nothing happened, no one arrived. But at sunset on the tenth day Andrew summoned Leonardo and Alexander to the mountain top. When they arrived, they saw a weird two-legged creature, standing next to Andrew and staring directly at them. He was talking to them, once again telepathically, without producing any sound.

The CryptoLord confirmed that what they saw was not a bad dream but rather a prophecy. Their planet was going to be hit with a huge asteroid in ninety days and all dinosaurs and pteranodons were going to die!

Alexander asked if the CryptoLord could help save them. Unfortunately, the CryptoLord was not able to save them because his home planet was in the middle of a terrible war. The CryptoLord however proposed that each species provide a couple of eggs and using his resources he would find a planet where they could safely hatch. It would allow the dinosaur species from the valley to survive! They were silent once again and stared off towards the setting sun...

All the carnivorous and herbivorous species gathered at a big meeting where they discussed this terrible dilemma. During the meeting there was a truce that allowed safe attendance for all species. It lasted for a couple of hours, there was a tremendous sense of shock, disbelief and uncertainty. Finally, exacerbated, each of the species agreed to provide a couple of eggs that would be handed to the CryptoLord.

Despite his home planet's war, CryptoLord ‘B’ was able to convince other CryptoLords to co-fund this mission to help the Dinos. They agreed to send one of the biggest spaceships in their fleet.

It was a fully autonomous vehicle equipped with state of the art AI robots that were ‘supposed’ to take care of all the Dino eggs. The plan was for the ship to land, for the robots to unload the eggs in a conducive environment to hatch, and then protect them until they were old enough to feed themselves. Things did not exactly go according to plan…

Throughout the perilous trip, the ship was hit by meteorite showers and some onboard systems were corrupted. The temperature and humidity in some of the egg chambers became volatile, causing some of the eggs to be destroyed. On top of these problems the ship got stuck in some kind of time and space triangle, which altered their original course. Also in the egg chambers, the AI robots observed that some of the eggs had multiplied and some of the eggs now had weird shell colours!

Because of the extensive space damage and a compromised navigation system, the autonomous navigation system decided to land on the closest, most suitable planet it could find. A planet which had oxygen and temperature levels that would allow the dino eggs to survive.

The robots unloaded the ship and put the eggs of each species in a secure area. After they had finished, they attempted to update the CryptoLord on the mission progress, however the transmission link had been broken during the harrowing flight.

The robots continue to broadcast their location in the hopes that one day the CryptoLord will be able to find the new CryptoDino planet...